Individual Entrepreneur Movchan Oleh # 1
Individual Entrepreneur Movchan Oleh # 2
"StarWood" (individual entrepreneur Denys Oleksandrovych Donchevskyi)
FOP Tomchuk Andrii Mykhailovych
PrJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnytsia #1
PrJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnytsia #2
PJSC "Vinnytsia factory "Mayak"
Vitberry TM, Individual entrepreneur Tryhub Stanislav Ilarionovych
PJSC Dnepropetrovsk Food Concentrates Plant
Private Enterprise Scientific-Research Company Ukrainian Scale Company
The State Enterprise Zhytomyr liquor and vodka distillery factory №1
The State Enterprise Zhytomyr liquor and vodka distillery factory №2
PJSC Dnepropetrovsk Food Concentrates Plant
Research-and-production enterprise "Techvagonmash"
Olexandriia lifting and transport equipment plant
Limited Liability Company "Termoobrobka Trade
Limited Liability Company "Granite-Building Platforma"
Telecommunication Technologies LLC #1
Telecommunication Technologies LLC # 2
Private joint-stock company "Khorolskiy mekhanichniy zavod" #1
Private joint-stock company "Khorolskiy mekhanichniy zavod" #2
Private joint-stock company "Khorolskiy mekhanichniy zavod" #3
PE Lisovyi Oleksii TM 1001hives
Agricultural company "Eco-Park", LLC
LIGNO (IE Popovych Volodymyr Dmytrovych)
Wholesale Store of Fishing Tackles
LLC Ukrainian Geoinformation Systems #1
LLC Ukrainian Geoinformation Systems #2
Digital Restoration Ecosystem for Accountable Management (DREAM)
Public portal: https://dream.gov.ua/
Public analytics module: https://bi.dream.gov.ua/
Detailed results of DREAM in 2023 are in the infographic: https://www.facebook.com/DREAMUkraineDigital/posts/pfbid032EpanpcghK18vGL6V4E4LxpousB 47P7zZGuFVCnXVvBES5pPxviRbbxa3kq38efdl
● The Ministry of Infrastructure, the Restoration Agency, the DREAM Project Office based on the Open Contracting Partnership with the support of Transparency International Ukraine and the BRDO in close cooperation with civil society together with international partners are developing and implementing the state electronic ecosystem DREAM, which provides a single digital route for all reconstruction projects.
● The Open Contracting Partnership, UK Development and the TAPAS project provided funding for the development and implementation of the system.
● DREAM is a pubic electronic ecosystem that provides a single digital route for all rehabilitation and modernization projects. In addition, it collects all data on projects online in accordance with international frameworks, and displays this data in the form of convenient tables, graphs and charts through the public analytics module https://bi.dream.gov.ua/.
● At each stage, the system publishes open data in accordance with the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).
● The ecosystem allows you to control every stage of the project's life cycle - from registration of damage and destruction to financing, procurement and construction works and commissioning.
● Full transparency and access to data allows you to assess progress on projects. Moreover, to make effective decisions regarding the attraction of investments, the development of certain industries, communities and territories.
● DREAM has two levels. The first is already existing state registers, systems and services. The system combines them into a single project development route: RDDP, GIS, Sectoral Infrastructure Reconstruction Management System, DIIA, Unified State Register, USESFC, Prozorro, and Spending.
● The second level is an "umbrella" system that provides data collection from all systems of the first level at each stage of the project, ensures open access to them and management and control tools. In this way, DREAM creates a single management center for reconstruction projects at each stage of their implementation.
● The DREAM ecosystem unites 9 IT solutions developed in Ukraine, both those that are already successfully working and those that are in the process of development, namely:
- Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property (RDDP, already in operation);
- GIS – Geo information system of regional development (under development, estimated launch - May 2024);
- USESFC - Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (econstruction, already in operation);
- DIIA - Unified portal of public services;
- Sectoral Infrastructure Restoration Management System (the main tool for all initiators of restoration and modernization projects);
- Prozorro - Electronic public procurement system;
- eContracting (electronic contracting system, under development);
- Spending.gov.ua - a single web portal for the use of public funds (already in operation);
- USR - Unified State Register of Legal Entities (already in operation).
● In November 2022, we launched the pilot project of the Sectoral Infrastructure Restoration Management System, which is one of the components of the DREAM ecosystem, (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1286). Representatives of enterprises, institutions and organizations belonging to the sphere of the Ministry of Restoration, as well as local self-governments, joined the testing on a voluntary basis.
● The first stage of the pilot project made it possible to test the Sectoral system, collect and take into account users’ feedbacks. In May, the Government scaled up the "pilot" project to central and local authorities throughout Ukraine (amendments to Resolution No. 1286 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine). The testing took place in a closed format.
● Open beta testing of the system began in October. Since then, more than 500 communities, 5 ministries, regional administrations, as well as all regional Recovery Services of the Restoration Agency have joined the work with DREAM.
● The key users of the DREAM ecosystem are communities and local self-government bodies, central government agencies, international financial organizations, regulatory and law enforcement agencies, public organizations, mass media, etc. Currently, we are under completing the development of the functionality for IFIs, namely, the functionality of financial programs, which will allow creating programs in the DREAM ecosystem and selecting projects for financing. The public has access to all system data in the form of convenient dashboards in the analytics module https://bi.dream.gov.ua/.
● The ecosystem implements the highest standards of integrity, accountability, efficiency and transparency in Ukraine's recovery to build trust between government, citizens, businesses and financial institutions.
● DREAM is a digital basis, backbone of effective, fast and sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine.
How DREAM works
Let's consider the basic development scenario of the recovery project using the example of a school.
A local self-government body enters data on the destroyed object into the RDDP
The LSG body identifies the need associated with recovery and makes options for solving this need. In the selected example, the need is to ensure the provision of educational services for a certain number of children in the territory of the community. Solution options may be the restoration of a damaged facility (school), the construction of a new facility (school), or, for example, the purchase of a fleet of vehicles to transport students to a school in a neighboring community.
After choosing the best option for solving the need, the local authority initiates the creation of a project in DREAM. The local authority fills out the project card in the DREAM system, indicating its wishes regarding the new school: number of students, location, list of premises and functionality, etc.
The local government gradually develops the project — prepares a feasibility study, obtains the necessary permits, orders project and estimate documentation, goes through the environmental impact assessment procedure, receives recommendations and public support for the initiated project, etc.
The school's project card goes into a common "projects showcase" that will allow recovery contributors (both governments and international organizations) to select a project for funding.
After confirmation of funding, the local government divides the project into separate tenders for the purchase of goods, works and services.
The local government holds tenders in Prozorro, the results of which are reflected in the DREAM system.
Contractors carry out work, regularly reporting on their status, and technical supervision confirms the quality of the work performed.
The facility is completed, audited if necessary, and put into operation.
Important! The DREAM ecosystem anticipates not only the restoration of damaged or destroyed facilities, but also the construction of new facilities foreseen by community restoration plans, as well as the implementation of investment projects.
For international partners
DREAM is a powerful tool for foreign financial organizations, governments and private investors. Thanks to DREAM, international organizations will be able to choose projects for financing through a common "bank of projects".
They can also monitor how every penny of their money is used. Having access to all information on procurement, regular reports on the execution of works, audits, etc., investors can monitor and control the progress of each of the financed projects. This provides transparency, prevents violations or abuses, and builds trust.
The ecosystem ensures a transparent selection of projects for financing, taking into account their readiness, capacity, state and investor priorities. We present all project ideas that need financing, on the general "project showcase", and a convenient filter system will help you choose those that interest you the most.
For example, an investor can review which project ideas need financing in the Kharkiv region. Alternatively, all medical facilities that are planned throughout the territory of Ukraine.
With regard to already financed projects, the investor gets access to all data on the progress of the project by stages, implementation status, interim reports, etc.
Currently, we finalize the development of the functionality for IFIs, namely, the functionality of financial programs, which will allow creating programs in the DREAM ecosystem and selecting projects for financing,.
For Local Self-Government
DREAM strengthens the capacity of local authorities, allows better and faster development of communities and territories, and provides opportunities to attract financing for reconstruction and modernization projects.
The ecosystem makes it possible to turn community recovery and development plans into a specific list of projects, to carry them along the entire route from idea to implementation.
Along the way, DREAM provides LSGs with tips on what exactly needs to be done at each stage of the project's life cycle. In addition, the ecosystem will contain a knowledge base with detailed instructions on project management, as well as a base of facilities templates, which will greatly simplify the development and launch of typical project ideas.
The ecosystem also contains digital tools for interaction with the community, in particular, the results of public hearings, etc., are uploaded into the project card.
Since all project ideas in DREAM enter a single "bank of projects", each community has the opportunity to present directly their own projects to potential investors. In fact, communities form their own investment profile. At the same time, the sources of financing can be diverse: the State or regional budget, funds from foreign governments and organizations, private investors, or combined, within the framework of a public-private partnership.
In 2024, the system will receive the functionality of financial programs, which will allow communities to apply for funding directly in DREAM.
By joining the DREAM pilot project, you receive expert support and project supervising, as well as free training and consulting on working with the system. You also receive additional attention from international partners and support from community residents thanks to the communication support of the Project Office.
In 2024, the use of DREAM will become mandatory. Take advantage of the opportunity to implement the ecosystem and get the benefits of an early start!
We invite representatives of communities, regional and central authorities to join DREAM testing.
For private business
The large-scale recovery plan is designed for 10 years, and therefore opens up numerous opportunities and allows the business to plan its development.
For businesses, DREAM creates new opportunities for their development based on projects implemented in a priority area or region.
Economic development is key to successful reconstruction. DREAM helps businesses to better plan their own activities, taking into account community development plans and initiated projects. In addition, DREAM is a source for finding customers, because the ecosystem provides access to tenders in the framework of restoration projects, and therefore transparent and equal competition for the development of decent business.
We invite you to visit the 💼 Virtual Business Expo «Ukraine Exports 2024» to connect with over 115 verified exporters in various sectors! Explore import-export opportunities, consider becoming a distributor for new brands, products and services in your area, and establish a fruitful business cooperation with Ukraine.
🌍 Where: ONLINE at https://atexpo.online/39/
📅 When: happening NOW!
✅ Entry: access is FREE.
💼 Exhibitor profile: Ukrainian exporters in various fields registered with the Exporters and Investors Council under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (Agriculture 🌾, Sweets 🍬, Beverages 🍹, Furniture 🪑, Fashion 👗, Industry 🏭, Chem-Pharma 🔬, Construction 🏗, Energy ⚡, Equipment 🛠, Investment 💰, IT and Innovations 💡, and many more).
🤝 Explore virtual booths, access company information, discover commercial offers and presentations, exchange virtual business cards, and develop your business network. Don't miss out
13-14 listopada 2024 w Warszawie odbędzie się międzynarodowa wystawa-konferencja «Rebuild Ukraine: Construction and Energy»
Nazovni to skuteczne narzędzie cyfrowe dla importerów.
Dzięki dużej liczbie ukraińskich firm z różnych dziedzin można stworzyć „it's a match” i znaleźć nowych wiarygodnych partnerów.
Mamy ponad 2000 eksporterów, dołożymy wszelkich starań, aby stworzyć wspaniałe partnerstwo.
Dołącz do nas teraz, aby poszerzyć swoje horyzonty na rynkach międzynarodowych.
Nazovni - це ефективний цифровий інструмент для імпортерів.
Завдяки широко представленіим українським бізнесам з різних сфер можна створювати «it's match» та знаходити нових надійних партнерів.
У нас понад 2000 експортерів, з якими ми зробимо все можливе, щоб створити чудове партнерство.
Приєднуйтесь до нас зараз, щоб розширити свої горизонти на міжнародних ринках
МЗС України Експортерам Nazovni
Nazovni is an effective digital tool for importers. With a great number of Ukrainian businesses from various spheres and detailed importers' needs, one can create "it's a match" and find new reliable partners.
We have more than 2000 exporters thereof we will do our best to create a great partnership. Join us now to expand your horizons in international markets!
Асоціація правників України запрошує на I Інвестиційний Форум
Асоціація правників України (АПУ) запрошує на I Інвестиційний Форум, який відбудеться 6-7 червня 2024
року в офлайн- та онлайн-форматах.
Про АПУ: Асоціація правників України (https://uba.ua/ukr/) — всеукраїнська громадська організація, заснована
у 2002 році, що об'єднує понад 8 тисяч правників у сильну та впливову професійну спільноту, яка є потужним
голосом правничої громади нашої країни. АПУ ставить перед собою завдання розвитку юридичної професії,
удосконалення законодавства, впровадження етичних стандартів, захисту професійних прав членів АПУ та прав
людини загалом.
Про захід: I Інвестиційний Форум стане майданчиком для обговорення перспективних інвестиційних
можливостей та вирішення юридичних викликів у сферах, які важливі для подальшого сталого розвитку України.
На Форумі зберуться ключові стейкхолдери: іноземні інвестори, бізнесмени, урядовці, юристи.
Захід покликаний:
• висвітлити важливі юридичні аспекти, що впливають на бізнес та інвестиції в Україні;
• глибоко проаналізувати інвестиційний клімат України;
• розвіяти найпоширеніші міфи про ведення бізнесу в Україні;
• обговорити підготовку українського бізнесу до вступу країни в Європейський Союз;
• сфокусуватися на останніх юридичних змінах у таких секторах економіки, як аграрний, видобувний,
енергетичний, оборонний;
• визначити наявні юридичні проблеми та презентувати практичні шляхи їх розв’язання.
Дати, місце проведення, мови заходу:
• 6 червня — онлайн (Zoom); англійська без перекладу;
• 7 червня — готель Hilton Kyiv, бул. Т. Шевченка, 30, м. Київ / онлайн (Zoom); українська (без
перекладу), англійська (з перекладом).
Докладна програма заходу та інформація про вартість участі доступні за посиланням.
Реєстрація на подію — за цим посиланням.
Контактна особа з питань організації заходу та співпраці — Тетяна Осауленко, +38 063 792 30 99 (дзвінки
через WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), [email protected].
The Ukrainian Bar Association invites to the First Investment Forum
The Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA) invites you to the First Investment Forum, which will be held on June 6-7,
2024, in offline (Kyiv, Ukraine) and online formats.
About the UBA: The Ukrainian Bar Association (https://uba.ua/eng/) is a nationwide non-governmental organization
founded in 2002, uniting over 8,000 legal professionals into a strong and influential community that serves as a
powerful voice for the legal profession in Ukraine. The UBA aims to develop the legal profession, improve legislation,
implement ethical standards, protect the professional rights of its members, and advocate for human rights in general.
About the event: The First Investment Forum will be a platform for discussing prospective investment opportunities
and addressing legal challenges in sectors crucial for the sustainable development of Ukraine.
Key stakeholders will gather at the Forum: foreign investors, business leaders, government officials, legal professionals.
The event aims to:
• highlight significant legal aspects influencing business and investments in Ukraine;
• deeply analyze the Ukraine's investment climate;
• dispel common myths about conducting business in Ukraine;
• discuss the preparation of Ukrainian businesses for European Union integration;
• focus on recent legal improvements in sectors such as agriculture, extractive industries, energy, and defense;
• identify existing legal issues and present practical solutions.
Event dates, venue, working languages:
• 6 June, 2024 — online (Zoom); English only;
• 7 June, 2024 — Dallas Hall, Hilton Kyiv Hotel, 30 T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine / online (Zoom);
Ukrainian (without translation), English.
A detailed event program and information on the registration fee are available at the link.
You can register for the event by following the link.
The contact person for organizing the event and cooperation is Tetiana Osaulenko, +38 063 792 30 99 (calls via
WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), [email protected].
Find reliable business partners in Ukraine!
The international platform NAZOVNI.online (сторінка Facebook @nazovni.online) helps quickly find verified partners according to the required product or service type.
NAZOVNI.online offers a unique catalog of Ukrainian businesses.
It includes over 370 Ukrainian companies from 20 segments.
The number of companies in the catalog is increasing daily, allowing collaboration with verified enterprises offering quality products, high-level service, and adherence to standards.
матеріали Фонду державного майна України щодо проєктів «Велика приватизація 2024»
Полтавська ТПП за підтримки Програми USAID «Конкурентоспроможна економіка України» випустила каталог «Експортер: каталог представників експортно орієнтованого малого та середнього підприємництва Полтавщини».
Експортер: каталог представників експортно орієнтованого МСП Полтавщини
2 серпня 2024 року відбулася презентація каталогу на базі палати за участю підприємців Полтавської області та представників вищих навчальних закладів. У каталозі міститься інформація про послуги та товари, які пропонують підприємства Полтавщини.
У зв’язку з тимчасовою окупацією окремих районів Донецької, Запорізької, Луганської та Херсонської областей Європейським Союзом запроваджені санкції щодо заборони ведення торгових, платіжних та інших зовнішньоекономічних операцій на тимчасово окупованих територіях України. Водночас, окремими кредитно-банківськими установами в ЄС здійснювалися блокування розрахунків між українськими компаніями, які знаходяться на підконтрольній Україні території згаданих вище областей (переважно в м. Запоріжжя).
Головною причиною блокування платежів між вітчизняними суб’єктами господарювання та їхніми контрагентами стали труднощі, які виникли в ЄС у зв’язку з визначенням територій, які є тимчасово окупованими та/або які залишаються підконтрольними Україні.
За результатами постійної роботи Представництва України при ЄС з Генеральним директоратом Європейської Комісії «Фінансова стабільність, фінансові послуги та Союз ринку капіталу» з метою врегулювання цього питання згаданий гендиректорат ЄК оприлюднив відповідні роз’яснення за посиланням finance.ec.europa.eu/document/download/66e8fd7d-8057-4b9b-96c2- 5e54bf573cd1_en?filename=faqs-sanctions-russiaconsolidated_en.pdf (частина D. Trade and Customs, пункт 9 Oblast, стор. 190) для фінансових інституцій та суб’єктів господарювання в ЄС.
Зокрема, у роз’ясненнях ЄК чітко зазначено про відсутність обмежень щодо фінансових операцій, які здійснюються кредитними установами ЄС в процесі проведення торговельних операцій і надання послуг на підконтрольних Україні територіях Донецької, Херсонської, Луганської та Запорізької областей. Кредитні установи ЄС можуть здійснювати зовнішньоекономічні операції в цих областях так само, як і операції з іншими кредитними установами в будь-якій іншій області нашої держави. Додатково забезпечено конкретизацію статусу стосовно міст Запоріжжя і Херсон як таких, що не відносяться до тимчасово окупованих територій і є підконтрольними Україні.